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Server Management

In Server Management panel there are 4 tabs:

  • Overview

  • Database Management

  • Log

  • Configuration

Every information is referred to the server that you select at the top of the panel.

At the top there are some information about the selected server:

  • Status

  • JVM

  • OS architecture

  • OS name

  • Number of CPU

  • Java vendor


Overview shows a chart that represents CRUD operations for all databases divided by date and time and the number of executions for each operation.

Figure 1. Crud operations of all databases

At the right top corner of the tab you can configure chart choosing the resolution (1m, 5m, 30m, 1h), the date range and the chart type.

Figure 2. Chart configurations
Note You can even choose to see the graphics in real time (realtime option) selecting pull interval.

Database Management

Figure 3. Database Management

Database management panel shows the list of databases for each server and the chart of crud operations for the selected database.

Tip select the database by clicking on the name.

Database Backup

Note You can make a backup of each database, just click on the button on the right of the database name.
Figure 4. Backup


Log panel shows all the logs for a particular server.

You can combine search according to the date and time, the log type, limiting the search to a single log file or to all files.

Figure 5. Server Log
Note You can even search for a particular text just filling info input.
Caution Choose at least one file for your search.


In the last tab you can modify orientdb-server-config.xml. Click save to send the configuration back to the server.

Figure 6. Configurations
Caution Auto-reload isn’t supported until 2.0.