Document API

In case of embedded GroupId: com.orientechnologies ArtifactId: orientdb-core

In case of remote GroupId: com.orientechnologies ArtifactId: orientdb-client

The Document Database in OrientDB is the foundation of higher level implementations, like the Object Database and the Tinkerpop Graph. The Document API supports:

OrientDB orientDB = new OrientDB("remote:localhost");
ODatabaseDocument db ="petshop","admin", "admin_passwd");

ODocument doc = new ODocument("Person");
doc.field( "name", "Luke" );
doc.field( "surname", "Skywalker" );
doc.field( "city", new ODocument("City")
   .field("country", "Italy") );



For more information, see

Using the Document Database

In order to work with documents in your application, you first need to open a database and create an instance in your code. For instance, when opening on localhost through the remote interface, you might use something like this:

OrientDB orientDB = new OrientDB("remote:localhost");
ODatabaseDocument db ="petshop","admin", "admin_passwd");

Once you have the database open, you can create, update and delete documents, as well as query document data to use in your application.

For more information, see

Creating Documents

You can create documents through the ODocument object by setting up the document instance and then calling the save() method on that instance. For instance,

ODocument animal = new ODocument("Animal");
animal.field("name", "Gaudi");
animal.field("location", "Madrid");

Updating Documents

You can update persistent documents through the Java API by modifying the document instance and then calling save() on the database. Alternatively, you can call save() on the document instance itself to synchronize the changes to the database.

animal.field( "location", "Nairobi" );;

When you call save(), OrientDB only updates the fields you've changed.

NOTE: This behavior can vary depending on whether you've begun a transaction. For more information, see Transactions.

For instance, using the code below you can raise the price of animals by 5%:

for (ODocument animal : database.browseClass("Animal")) {
  animal.field("price", animal.field("price") * 1.05);;

Deleting Documents

Through the Java API, you can delete documents through the delete() method on the loaded document instance. For instance,


NOTE: This behavior can vary depending on whether you've begun a transaction. For more information, see Transactions.

For instance, using the code below you can delete all documents of the Animal class:

for (ODocument animal : database.browseClass("Animal")) {


OrientDB is flexible when it comes to schemas. You can use it,

  • Schema Full, such as in Relational Databases.
  • Schema Less, such as with many NoSQL Document Databases.
  • Scheme Hybrid, which mixes the two.

For more information, see Schemas.

In order to use the schema with documents, create the ODocument instance with the constructor ODocument(String className), passing it the class name as an argument. If you haven't declared the class, OrientDB creates it automatically with no fields. This won't work during transactions, given it can't apply schema changes in transactional contexts.


Few NoSQL implementations support security. OrientDB does. For more information on its security features, see Security.

To manage the security from within the Java API, get the Security Manager and use it to operate on users and roles. For instance,

OSecurity sm = db.getMetadata().getSecurity();
OUser user = sm.createUser(
   "john.smith", "smith_passwd",
   new String[]{"admin"});

Once you've have users on the database, you can retrieve information about them through the Java API:

OUser user = db.getUser();


Transactions provide you with a practical way to group sets of operations together. OrientDB supports ACID transactions, ensuring that either all operations succeed or none of them do. The database always remains consistent.

For more information, see Transactions.

OrientDB manages transactions at the database-level. Currently, it does not support nesting transactions. A database instance can only have one transaction running at a time. It provides three methods in handling transactions:

  • begin() Starts a new transaction. If a transaction is currently running, it's rolled back to allow the new one to start.
  • commit() Ends the transaction, making the changes persistent. If an error occurs during the commit, the transaction is rolled back and it raises an OTransactionException exception.
  • rollback() Ends the transaction and removes all changes.

Optimistic approach

In its current release, OrientDB uses Optimistic Transactions, in which no lock is kept and all operations are checked on the commit. This improves concurrency, but can throw an OConcurrentModificationException exception in cases where the records are modified by concurrent client threads. In this scenario, the client code can reload the updated records and repeat the transaction.

When optimistic transactions run, all changes are kept in memory. If you're using remote storage, the changes are sent to the server only when you executed a query or you call the commit() method. All changes transfer in a block to reduce network latency, speed up the execution and increase concurrency. This differs from most Relational Databases, where changes are sent immediately to the server during transactions.


OrientDB commits transactions only when you call the commit() method and no errors occur. The most common use case for transactions is to enclose all database operations within a try/finally blocks. When you close the database, (that is, when your application executes the finally block), OrientDB automatically rolls back any pending transactions still running.

For instance,

OrientDB orientDB = new OrientDB("remote:localhost");

try (ODatabaseDocument db ="petshop","admin", "admin_passwd")) {


Index API

See also SQL Indices.

You can declare an index on a property or a group of properties this will make orient automatically index the documents of the specific class with the specific properties and automatically use the index in the queries, the way to declare this indexes is through the OClass and OProperty API.

Index on a single property, For instance,

OClass animalClass = database.getClass("Animal");
OProperty nameProp = animalClass.getProperty("name");

This example will use as index name <class-name>.<property-name>

Index on multiple properies, For Instance,

OClass animalClass = database.getClass("Animal");
animalClass.createIndex("index_name", OClass.INDEX_TYPE.NOTUNIQUE, "name","location");