PyOrient Client - db_list()

This method lists the databases available on the connected OrientDB Server.

Listing Databases

There are two methods available in determining what databases are available on the OrientDB Server. The first is check whether an individual database is present, using db_exists(). In the event that you don't know the database name or you want to operate on all databases, you can use db_list() to fetch information on all databases on the server.




When you create a database without specifying the username and password, OrientDB defaults to the user admin and the password admin. While this behavior is fine during development, it poses certain security risks in production. You might use db_list() as part of a basic security check to ensure that all databases on your server have non-default login credentials. For instance,

# List Databases
database_list = client.db_list().__getattr__('databases')

# Check for Default Login
for i in database_list:
      client.db_open(i, "admin", "admin")
      print("Default Credentials found on: %s" % i)
      print("Non-default Credentials found on: %s" % i)

Here, PyOrient creates a dict object, where the key is the database name and the value the database path. The __getattr__() method ensures that you retrieve a dict instead of an OrientRecord object. You can test this using the Python console,

>>> client.db_list()
<pyorient.otypes.OrientRecord object at 0x7f89c4211e10>

>>> client.db_list().__getattr__('databases')
{'tinkerhome': 'plocal:/data/tinkerhome',
'GratefulDeadConcerts': 'plocal:/data/GratefulDeadConcerts'}

In the code, once this is set PyOrient then loops through the dict, checking each key, (that is, each database name), to test the default login credentials. It then prints whether the login succeeds or fails to stdout. This lets you know which databases need updated credentials.