Creates a new materialized view in the schema.


CREATE VIEW <viewName> 
FROM (<query>) 
     [updateIntervalSeconds: <number> ],
     [watchClasses: ["className1", "classNameN"] ] 
     [nodes: ["nodeName1", "nodeNameN"] ],
     [indexes: [
           properties: {propertyName1:"propertyType1", propertyNameN:"propertyTypeN"}
        updatable: (true | false), 
        originRidField: "fieldName"

  • <viewName>: Defines the name of the view you want to create. You must use a letter, underscore or dollar for the first character, for all other characters you can use alphanumeric characters, underscores and dollar.
  • <query>: A SQL query whose results will be stored as the view content.
  • updateIntervalSeconds: by default, a view content is updated at fixed intervals, re-executing the query. You can change this interval, setting this parameter
  • watchClasses: by default, a view is updated at fixed intervals, regardless of the fact that the original data changed or not. By setting watchClasses, you give OrientDB some information to avoid that the view is updated when there is no need for that: if you set this parameter, the view is updated only when one or more records in the watched classes are inserted/updated/deleted, otherwise the view is not refreshed.
  • nodes: in a distributed configuration, by default, the view is deployed on all the nodes. Setting the nodes attributes you can specify in which nodes you want the view to be populated (in the other nodes the view will still be present, but it will be empty).
  • indexes: you can define one or more indexes on a view, they will be used to optimize queries. type is the index type, eg. "NOTUNIQUE" or "FULLTEXT"; engine (optional) is the index engine to be used (eg. "LUCENE"); properties is the set of properties (name:type, eg. surname:"STRING") to be indexed, they have to be defined in the exact order you want them to appear in the index definition.
  • updatable and originRidField: By default, a view is a read-only object, that means that you cannot manually change its content directly. You can configure a view to be updatable, so that you can change its content manually (updating records) and the changes are reflected to the original records. originRidField is a field in the view that will contain the RID of the document that is the origin of a single entry in the view. Updatable views cannot be created from aggregate queries.


  • create the view Manager: suppose you have a class called Employee, with a boolean property isManager that defines whether the employee is a manager or not
CREATE VIEW Manager FROM (SELECT FROM Employee WHERE isManager = true)
  • create a view that is updated only every two hours
CREATE VIEW Manager FROM (SELECT FROM Employee WHERE isManager = true) METADATA {updateIntervalSeconds:2*60*60}
  • create a view with indexes
FROM (SELECT name, surname FROM Employee WHERE isManager = true) 
  indexes: [
    {type:"NOTUNIQUE", properties:{name:"STRING", surname:"STRING"}}